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Alex Franz Zehetbauer: Residency

august 12 - august 18

Alex Franz Zehetbauer will undetake a 1-week residency at Warehouse9. IPAF, in collaboration with BUZZCUT Festival (Glasgow) have been awarded a grant from European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists – EFFEA, to support and offer Alex Franz Zehetbauer a platform to further develop his work An Evening With on a European level through a residency, presentation and network opportunities.


Activities whilst at Warehouse9:

12 – 18 August: Residency to further develop An Evening With 

16th August: Salon evening with Alex Franz Zehetbauer as part of Warehouse9’s Queerlands. 


An Evening With is a playful & absurdist celebration of the ritual of the song as a force for coming together, to mourn, to resonate, as a call to protest, to tell stories, and to manifest alternative futures. In the performance, Zehetbauer slips into various roles each with their own song(s) to offer to the audience; catchy tunes that dismantle hierarchies between humans and nature, reach for queer futures, and seek to manifest economies of care over profit.

Alex Franz Zehetbauer (*1990 in Brooklyn) creates performances, sonic choreographies, and songs. In his newest work, An Evening with, he hosts the audience with a trickster humor while mesmerizing them with his thunderous and tender vocals. His ear-worm melodies live somewhere between avant-pop and medieval-plainsong and his lyrics oscillate between the earnest and the absurd. Critics have called him: an angel, a swamp monster, and a red-eyed demon. He studied vocal performance, choreography, acting and composition at the Experimental Theater Wing at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and the International Theater Workshop in Amsterdam. Alex has collaborated with artists such as Phillip Gehmacher, Jen Rosenblit, Taylor Mac, Marta Navaridas and Alix Eynaudi. / @afranzz


august 12
august 18
Begivenhed Tags:




Rosenlunds Allé 5, Baghuset
Copenhagen, 2720 Denmark
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Jasmin Ingemansen

Communications manager

Jasmin has a master’s degree in English and cultural communications from the University of Copenhagen and has worked with several fields within the cultural sphere. She has worked with executing and communicating films, festivals, art fairs, and literature, and has now embarked upon queer performance art at Warehouse9. 

Emma Castro Møller


Emma (they/she) has been a core member since 2012 and a leading effort in driving organisational development. They have helped shape WH9’s artistic profile, initiated national and international collaborations and consolidated WH9 through fundraising strategies, and insisting on production methods centering care and accessiblility.

In addition, Emma works as an independent curator, e.g. through the curatorial duo osborn&møller, where they have acted as guest curator at the Wellcome Collection (UK) and curated part of City of Women’s 25 year anniversary festival in 2019 (SL). Emma has experience as a freelance producer in the UK, where they worked with artists such as Poppy Jackson, Manuel Vason and SPILL Festival. Emma holds a MA in Theater and Performance from Queen Mary, University of London and a BA (Hons) in Drama, Applied Theatre & Education from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

Jørgen Callesen


Jørgen Callesen (They/He) is co-founder and co-director of  Warehouse9.

For the past 17 years, they have been an integral part of developing Warehouse9 to become a leading organisation for cross-aesthetic queer art, including international festivals and socially engaged projects. He holds a Ph.D. in information & media science from Aarhus University (2005) and has an artistic practice with the performance figure “miss fish”. They have presented solo work in Denmark and internationally since 2002 and work in collaboration with numerous queer artists as well as in lager scale productions.

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